So I finally got the twins over to my place for a sleep over (something I've been trying to do since I was a freshman).
The adventure was suppose to start Thursday night and last til Saturday but we were at Matt and Kyoko's all Thursday and didn't get home til late. So we all slept in and left at about noon Friday instead.
It was going to be a blast! I had no idea what we were going to do but I was hoping it was going to be LEGEND- (wait for it. wait for it.) -DARY!
oh I'm so funny.
Anyways. We got to Logan and we were pretty hungry so we decided to go to Sam's club and buy something we could cook at home and eat.
We ended up buying this Orange Chicken thing which felt like maybe 2 lbs. I was so excited! Til we opened it up...
There was a huge bag of fried rice and a small bag of orange chicken. Not what I was expecting. But we all ate and we seemed pretty good with just that.
I was hoping to take the twins to the Art Museum up here BUT Decemeber 25 - January 1.... closed. LAME! but oh well. We got to our apartment.. OH WAIT! We stopped by Gamestop and decided to buy Just Dance 3 for our xbox (kinect :D) and we got home and Bekah and Rachael played it for who knows how long.
Then we.... ate. Yeah thats it! And we watched AFV while we ate. Then I'm not completely sure what happened... I think we started playing another game and Rachael was on the couch and fell asleep. For about 2 hours.
So Bek and James played... Call of Duty ( I think...). One of those games. While I was on pinterest.
Finally I decided I needed to take down the tree from our other room cause that is where the twins were going to sleep. Rach had finally woke up so I made her come up with me (mainly cause I didn't want her falling asleep again) and we took the tree down.
Then we (mainly I) made their bed. Went back downstairs and then we..... did something.
Probably played more games. OR no James and Bek were still playing and so Rach and I started playing a game on my computer (well... I played and she watched.)
Then lots of other stuff happened (I don't remember the order). We watched a Lego Star Wars "movie" we had (it was only 30 minutes).
And more games were played (and possibly more AFV). Then finally we ordered some pizza and James and I went and got it while the twins played another war game (I did not realize they liked those games so much..)
We came back with the pizza and ate while we watched more AFV (maybe that is when we watched it.)
I then decided I wanted to make some cookies (I really decided this a long time ago but I was convinced at this moment)
James sister Kathie has a blog and it's pretty much awesome! She cooks a lot and has some amazing recipes. So I wanted to make some sugar cookies and she has the best recipes for it and buttercream frosting. We were missing a few of the ingredients so all four of us went to walmart and got what we needed. (it was so cute. we all wore our christmas pjs.)
Then we got back and they started playing games. Bek did some homework and I started making the cookies. James decided we should double the recipe (sooo many cookies....)
I was worried for a while cause I didn't think they were going to work. But pretty soon I had some awesome looking cookies!
I got myself some cookie cutters that look like cameras for christmas. They are pretty cool.
I made some buttercream frosting and it tastes delicious! I put some in four different bags and put some food coloring in them. It was pretty late when I was done though so we didn't decorate them at all.
(at this very moment it is 6:27 a.m.)
I'll explain that in a second. But we haven't decorated the cookies yet.
After I was done, we decided to stay up a little longer and we watched a movie called Rio (when we went to get the cookie stuff at walmart, we rented a movie from redbox.)
So we watched the movie (which took forever cause turns out... it's super scratched and so it kept skipping and James would rewind and get it back to where it was so we could see everything.)
Then we all went to bed (just a little after midnight). Rachael slept upstairs in our spare room and Bek wanted to sleep on our couch.
So now to why I am up so early.
I'm asleep in my room dreaming away (i think) when I hear this banging!
I shoot up out of bed and there is Bek saying "I need you."
So I come and she takes me downstairs and as we are going downstairs she is explaining everything to me.
Short version. She has the flu and has been throwing up all morning (since 3 to be more exact). But that's not the reason she woke me up. We have really crappy toilets that get clogged very easily. Well, it was very clogged. And water was running over like a waterfall. I didn't have glasses on so I really couldn't see what was really happening but I knew there was nothing I could do by myself so I run back upstairs and wake up James. I try really hard to explain fast what is going on. We run downstairs and he starts unclogging it. I am grabbing towels and trying to cleanup the inch of water on our kitchen floor (near the kitchen sink it was about 2 inches.)
Bek is standing there throwing up in plastic bags.
It was quite the night.
We call emergency maintenance and tell them our floor is flooded and here is what they say "Hope you have a lot of towels."
What the crap is an emergency maintenance for if they won't even help. So I get a little upset in my brain and we grab all the towels we have. (roughly 12 or so huge ones)
We start laying them out and they are sucking up water like crazy and so fast that there really isn't much going on. They suck up a lot but there is still so much water on the floor.
We finally decide there is no way we can soak it up so James runs to Mountain View (the building he works at) and grabs a shop vac, a carpet cleaner and some throw up powder (most amazing stuff ever!)
However... it took him so long that by the time he comes back, the water has pretty much been soaked up.
So we put all the towels (or at least most of them) in the washer and he starts putting throw up powder on all the remaining water.
So throw up powder is awesome. You just put it on the throw up (or water) and it soaks it all up and lays on the floor dry) So then we swept up all the powder and that was that. There wasn't much else we could do.
During this whole time, Bek is laying on the couch. I got her a bowl so she doesn't have to throw up in bags anymore. And I have the washer cleaning our towels.
I tell James he can go to sleep and I stay on the couch and start writing this up.
Oh! By the way. Bek woke me up roughly around 4:45 in the morning and it is now 6:43. So I'm sitting her hoping she stops throwing up (it's not nearly as bad as it was earlier) and that she can fall asleep.
I feel so bad for her. Is this what it feels like to be a mom? Cause it kinda sucks. But I'm glad I can take care of her.
A little before 6, she asked if I thought she could drink some water. I told her Sprite would probably be better so I was about to run out to the store when I realized I had no money. So I go wake up James again (he went back up maybe 5 minutes before) and I tell him we need to get sprite and I have no money. So the two of us run out and we hope that Lee's is open (we don't really want to go to walmart) We drive past and it opens at 6. We look at the clock and it is exactly 6 so we say "nothing they can do about it". We jump out of the car and try to go in. Why try? The automatic doors are not on yet...
So we stand there and we stand there hoping that someone will walk by and see us.
Finally one of the workers comes up behind us and he lets us in. Totally sounded like he just woke up.
James: Is it alright if we come in?
Worker: ....yeah..
Then James explains that my sister is sick so we are making a sprite run.
We grab some crackers and some sprite and pay at the cashier (who looked at us like we were crazy) and then we came back home. I go to hand bek the sprite and she says "straw?"
So we then search our house for a straw. The only things we have are the plastic straws for our water bottles. So we decide it would be easier to just put the sprite in a water bottle.
And now here I am writing this story. James went back to bed right after we got back from the store and I am still hoping Bek falls asleep.
If she isn't asleep by 7, I was going to call my mom and let her know that bek is super sick. BUT if she falls asleep, I am going to just let her sleep.
It is currently 6:51 and I won't be posting this til later (cause I want to add pictures from our day)
But now I'm thinking I might just post this and add pictures later.
So watch out for another post sometime today and I'll let you know how the rest of things goes.