Monday, September 28, 2009

The Continuation!

Congratulations!!! You found my blog!

How are you? What have you been doing lately? How's the weather? How was breakfast/lunch/dinner? How's the fam?!

Well... enough of that!

If you didn't already know, my name is Emily Marguerite Mikhail. I am (at this moment in my life) 19 years old and live in the town of Logan. I go to Utah State University and plan on graduating in 2 (more like 3) years as a Deaf Education Major. I'm way excited! It'll be the best thing I've ever planned on doing.. AND GONE THROUGH WITH!

This morning I was thinking in the shower about something I should blog about... and I remember thinking "I should write this down when I get out so I don't forget..." But what did I do?? I didn't.. and I forgot.. How sad. Makes me very sad actually. I always come up with the best things to write about but then I forget to write them... And then I end up just rambling on here like I am now.

But whatever! I love getting my thoughts out. FOR ANYONE TO HEAR! or read I guess....

Life is such a strange thing... You have your high points and your low points. Good days, Bad days. And pretty much everything inbetween!! But no matter what happens during the day... it's still the same... I still end up going through with whatever is happening and at the end of the day, I go to bed. Then I wake up and do it all over again!

I keep thinking back to last year when I was a freshman and how I wanted nothing to do with anyone! I did not want to make friends. I didn't want to get involved with anyone. I just wanted to get a stupid job and get through school (Which may I add.... I still do.). But this year... I've met SOOO many people. It's almost insane how many people I've met this year. It's really fun actually! But I'm still the same person (kinda) that I was last year. I've upgraded to wanting to meet people... but now what? I have the hardest time hanging out with people. Groups of people are just... no fun. As much as "groups are more fun then not" seems to be the saying (not really... I don't remember the real saying). I totally prefer hanging out with anywhere between 1 - 5 people at the most. Also... not much of a game person... Board games... Boring! Card games... ok sometimes. Made up games... those are actually usually fun if they aren't stupid and actually have rules..

I don't know what the point of all that was. See! I ramble. I need to organize my thoughts better before I write... cause when I don't, I tend to just write on and on and on...

Then I feel stupid because I can't seem to ever write what I actually want to say. But that's ok, right?

One of these days... I'll be able to write a blog that makes sense from the beginning til the end. And you'll all love it! (haha I hope)

As for now.. I guess this is just my very strange beginning of a new blog!

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