So a while back, I ran into this pin on pinterest.
I pinned it because.. that's what you do when you run into cool things like this. But then it just sat there because that's what things I pin do. They are just great ideas to maybe do someday when I have time...
Recently, James and I have been so tired/lazy and have just eaten out a lot (...basically every day. Not good). I've gained weight that I do not want and that frustrates me.
So I've decided if I could just force myself to cook for us every night, that would be a lot better! (fyi.. not a big fan of cooking. at least not in a small kitchen like we have. I loved cooking when I did at my parents).
Our biggest problem though is that we can never decide WHAT to make for dinner. Ever.
So this board could solve SO many of our problems.
James and I went out today and gathered some of the stuff to make the board. I'm super excited!
11x14 frame - $3 at DI
clothespins - $1.03 walmart for 50! So if anyone wants to make this themselves (or have me make them one), let me know. I have clothespins.
2 pages of scrapbook paper - $1.26 Michaels
I already own everything else needed. Except the crayon boxes... so if anyone has some that I can have. That would be great. If not... I might just go buy some crayons. (or.... read the last part of this post)
The only problem though... I think the design is unprofessional. too many colors and the paper on top of everything just looks... childish. So I'm making a few changes to it. I haven't made it yet so if you can think of anything else I can do, let me know!
My Changes!
I'm going to paint the clothespins instead and just stamp the letters on them. (then probably go over them with clear nail polish so it stays nice)
Also, I love being organized so what I've decided is to color coordinate recipes.
Meaning: Crockpot meals = blue card, soups = yellow, pasta = orange, etc.
If you look at the picture she has on hers, I would put a section behind the meals for the week (on the left side) that explains what each color is.
And then I'd also like to print the actual recipe for each thing on the same colored paper and have a card box specifically for my menu board. AND if the recipe is from a book instead, on the back of the card where you put the ingredients, I would put the book name and page so I can find it quickly.
With the one she has done, I do not like all the different scrap book designs. Way too busy for me (I am a very simple person). So I only have the main background in a design and the rest of the colors are just plain colored card stock. (FYI: My back ground is blue argyle, and then I plan on using plain brown card stock and white card stock)
Those are my changes. I am not a big fan of the crayon boxes but I can't think of anything better so if any of you can, I would love to hear about it!
Other options for crayon boxes depends on what you don't like about the crayon boxes. If you don't like having a little box for them to go in, you can try grouping them with rings and hanging them from nails or something. Or you could put wood across the bottom (same width as frame, not thick, not very tall) and stick all of your recipe card things down there. I don't really know. What is it you don't like about the crayon boxes? That will help me give you better ideas.
ReplyDeleteI'm just not sure if I like them sticking out so much.