Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Greatest Show on Earth

So sometime in 2011 Matt and Kyoko were going to take the boys to the Circus. But something came up (I don't remember what) and they gave their tickets to my parents. And then they invited James and I and so we got some tickets and the 6 of us went to see the Ringling Bros.

It was pretty cool. I had never been to a circus before. Some of you may know this but I'm kinda really scared of clowns. Why? I have no idea. Just am.

However, the clowns here didn't scare me much (possibly because they were very very far away). But I loved seeing all the animals. It was cool.

So first off. This is a Cat Spider. Sometime around when we went to the circus there were at least two of these hanging out around my parent's yard. And I took a picture. TA-DA!

So now the circus!

There was an Orion Football game this day so that is why Rachael's face is painted.

I do not know why my mom put a popcorn bucket on her head....

I also do not know why Rachael did it too.

Tigers are so cool!

I thought this looked like Peter Pan. But it's not.

These were two strong guys.

This was weird and made me feel awkward.

That's a giant apple on his head.


They were dancing in this one.

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